
I read this Gothic classic for the first time five years ago. I picked it up merely because I felt I ought to. I was embarrassed that I had never read it. Admittedly, my ignorance was complete. I even believed that Frankenstein was the monster, as hideous as in the 1931 Boris Karloff film that I watched as a child on my grandmother's sofa. The book blew me away. Here is a creator, Victor Frankenstein, scared of his own creation and unable to take responsibility for it. Moreover, the creature initially shows no signs of being a monster and only becomes one when abandoned by his creator.

Review by Meike Ziervogel

Alongside reading the novel, please do try to watch the National Theatre Performance here: Drama Online - Frankenstein: Benedict Cumberbatch (

Y7 students will have already been advised to watch this as part of their learning about the Gothic.

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Date for Book Club: Wednesday 24th February 2021 @ 6pm

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